

Creates a new thread by spawning that shares the same memory address space, file handles, and main event loops.


The thread_spawn() function creates a new thread within the WASI environment. Threads allow concurrent execution of multiple tasks within a program. The created thread shares the same memory address space, file handles, and main event loops as the calling thread.

This function is similar to the POSIX pthread_create() function, which creates a new thread within a process.


  ;;; Creates a new thread by spawning that shares the same
  ;;; memory address space, file handles and main event loops.
  ;;; The web assembly process must export function named 'wasi_thread_start'
  (@interface func (export "thread_spawn_v2")
    ;;; Pointer to the structure the describes the thread
    ;;; that is being spawened
    (param $args (@witx pointer $thread_start))
    ;;; Returns the thread index of the newly created thread
    ;;; (indices always start from zero)
    (result $error (expected $tid (error $errno)))


  • ctx: A mutable reference to the function environment.
  • start_ptr: A pointer to the structure that describes the thread to be launched.
  • ret_tid: A pointer to the location where the ID of the newly created thread will be stored.

Return Value

The function returns Errno. If the operation is successful, it returns Errno::Success. Otherwise, it returns an appropriate Errno value indicating the reason for the failure.


This function is instrumented with debug level logging.


  • The thread_spawn() function creates a new thread within the WASI environment.
  • The created thread shares the same memory address space, file handles, and main event loops as the calling thread.
  • It takes a pointer to a structure that describes the thread to be launched as input. The structure provides the necessary information to initialize and start the new thread.
  • After the thread is created, its ID is returned and stored in the location pointed to by ret_tid.
  • The thread_spawn() function is similar to the POSIX pthread_create() function, which creates a new thread within a process.
  • Utilizing the thread_spawn() function allows applications to achieve concurrent execution of multiple tasks within the WASI environment, enabling parallelism and improved performance.
  • The newly created thread is independent and can execute concurrently with other threads within the same WASI environment.
  • The thread_spawn() function provides a way to implement multi-threaded applications and leverage the benefits of concurrent execution.
  • Care should be taken to properly synchronize shared resources and manage thread safety when using multiple threads within the same WASI environment.