
Sure! Here's the revised answer with POSIX context in the description and note:


Sends the current thread to sleep for a period of time.


The thread_sleep() function suspends the execution of the current thread for a specified duration, allowing other threads to execute during the sleep period. This function is used to introduce delays or pause the execution of a thread for a certain amount of time.

This function is similar to the POSIX pthread_sleep() function, which suspends the execution of a thread for a specified period.


  ;;; Sends the current thread to sleep for a period of time
  (@interface func (export "thread_sleep")
    ;;; Amount of time that the thread should sleep
    (param $duration $timestamp)
    (result $error (expected (error $errno)))


  • ctx: A mutable reference to the function environment.
  • duration: The amount of time that the thread should sleep, specified in milliseconds.

Return Value

The function returns Ok(Errno::Success) if the sleep operation is successful. Otherwise, it returns an Errno value indicating the reason for the failure.


This function is instrumented with debug level logging.


  • The thread_sleep() function suspends the execution of the current thread for a specified duration, allowing other threads to execute during the sleep period.
  • The duration parameter specifies the amount of time in milliseconds that the thread should sleep.
  • Sleeping a thread can be useful in scenarios where you want to introduce delays, implement time-based operations, or yield the CPU to other threads or processes.
  • The thread_sleep() function is similar to the POSIX pthread_sleep() function, which suspends the execution of a thread for a specified period.
  • It's important to note that the actual sleep duration may vary due to factors such as system load and scheduling policies.
  • Sleeping a thread is a non-busy-waiting method that allows the thread to relinquish the CPU and avoid unnecessary resource consumption.
  • The thread_sleep() function provides a simple way to introduce delays or pause the execution of a thread for a specified period of time in the WASI environment.
  • Care should be taken when using thread_sleep() in performance-critical applications, as it may impact overall application responsiveness and throughput.
  • It's recommended to use sleep operations judiciously and consider alternative synchronization and coordination mechanisms if precise timing or responsiveness is required.
  • Properly managing thread synchronization and coordination is essential to ensure correct behavior and avoid race conditions or other synchronization issues in multi-threaded applications.