

Returns the parent handle of the supplied process.


The proc_parent() function is used to retrieve the parent handle of a given process. It takes a process identifier (PID) as input and returns the PID of the parent process.

In POSIX systems, each process has a parent process except for the initial process, which is typically assigned a parent of PID 1 (init process). The parent process is responsible for creating and managing its child processes.


  ;;; Returns the parent handle of a particular process
  (@interface func (export "proc_parent")
    ;;; Handle of the process to get the parent handle for
    (param $pid $pid)
    (result $error (expected $pid (error $errno)))


  • ctx: The function environment.
  • pid: The process identifier (PID) of the process whose parent is to be retrieved.
  • ret_parent: Pointer to store the returned parent process ID.

Return Value

The function returns an Errno value indicating the result of the operation. If the operation is successful, it returns Errno::Success. If the supplied process does not exist or the current process is not the parent, it returns Errno::Badf.


This function is instrumented with debug level logging. It includes the following field for debugging purposes:

  • pid: The process identifier (PID) of the supplied process.
  • parent: The parent process ID.


  • The proc_parent() function is used to retrieve the parent handle of a given process.
  • It checks if the supplied pid matches the current process's PID. If they match, it retrieves the parent PID using the ppid() method of the current process.
  • If the supplied pid does not match the current process's PID, it attempts to retrieve the process from the control plane using the get_process() method.
  • The function stores the parent PID in the specified ret_parent pointer.
  • The function returns Errno::Badf if the supplied process does not exist or the current process is not the parent.