

Send a signal to the process of the calling thread with an optional interval for repeated signaling.


The proc_raise_interval() function sends a signal to the process of the calling thread. It allows specifying an interval for repeated signaling, where the signal will be sent at the specified interval repeatedly. This function is similar to the raise function in POSIX, which sends a signal to the current process or a specific process.


  ;;; Note: This is similar to `setitimer` in POSIX.
  ;;; Send a signal to the process of the calling thread on a regular basis
  (@interface func (export "proc_raise_interval")
    ;;; The signal condition to trigger.
    (param $sig $signal)
    ;;; Time to wait before raising the signal
    ;;; (zero here indicates the signal interval is cancelled)
    (param $interval $timestamp)
    ;;; Flag that indicates if the signal will trigger indefinately
    (param $repeat $bool)
    (result $error (expected (error $errno)))


  • ctx: A mutable reference to the function environment.
  • sig: The signal to be raised for the process.
  • interval: The interval (in milliseconds) between repeated signals. A value of 0 indicates a single signal without repetition.
  • repeat: A boolean value indicating whether the signal should be repeated (true) or not (false).

Return Value

The function returns Ok(Errno::Success) if the operation is successful. Otherwise, it returns an appropriate WasiError value.


This function is instrumented with debug level logging. It includes the following fields for debugging purposes:

  • sig: The signal to be raised.

Notes The proc_raise_interval() function sends a signal to the process of the calling thread. It uses the signal_interval() method of the current process to send the signal with the specified interval and repetition settings. This function is similar to the raise function in POSIX, which sends a signal to the current process or a specific process. After sending the signal, the function calls WasiEnv::process_signals_and_exit() to process any pending signals and handle process termination if necessary.