

Securely connects to a particular remote network.


The port_bridge() function establishes a secure connection to a specific remote network. It securely bridges the local network with the remote network, allowing communication between them.


  ;;; Securely connects to a particular remote network
  (@interface func (export "port_bridge")
    ;;; Fully qualified identifier for the network
    (param $network string)
    ;;; Access token used to authenticate with the network
    (param $token string)
    ;;; Level of encryption to encapsulate the network connection with
    (param $security $stream_security)
    (result $error (expected (error $errno)))


  • ctx: A mutable reference to the function environment.
  • network: A pointer to the memory location holding the fully qualified identifier for the network.
  • network_len: The length of the network identifier.
  • token: A pointer to the memory location holding the access token used to authenticate with the network.
  • token_len: The length of the access token.
  • security: The level of encryption to encapsulate the network connection with.

Return Value

The function returns a Result indicating the outcome of the operation. If the operation is successful, Ok(Errno::Success) is returned. If an error occurs, an appropriate WasiError is returned.


  • Errno::Inval: If an invalid Streamsecurity value is provided for the security parameter.


  • The port_bridge() function establishes a secure connection to a remote network, allowing communication between the local and remote networks.
  • It takes the fully qualified identifier for the network as a string input through the network and network_len parameters.
  • The access token used to authenticate with the network is provided as a string input through the token and token_len parameters.
  • The security parameter specifies the level of encryption to be used for the network connection. It accepts one of the Streamsecurity values: Unencrypted, AnyEncryption, ClassicEncryption, or DoubleEncryption.
  • The behavior and limitations of the port_bridge() function may vary depending on the specific runtime environment and underlying networking implementation. It is important to consult the documentation or specifications of the specific environment to understand its behavior in that context.