

Clears all the addresses on the local port.


The port_addr_clear() function is used to clear all the addresses on the local port. This removes all the IP addresses that the port is currently bound to.


  ;;; Clears all the addresses on the local port
  (@interface func (export "port_addr_clear")
    (result $error (expected (error $errno)))


  • ctx: A mutable reference to the function environment.

Return Value

The function returns a Result indicating the outcome of the operation. If the operation is successful, Ok(Errno::Success) is returned. If an error occurs, an appropriate WasiError is returned.


  • The port_addr_clear() function clears all the IP addresses that the local port is currently bound to.
  • After calling this function, the local port will have no addresses assigned to it.
  • The behavior and limitations of the port_addr_clear() function may vary depending on the specific runtime environment and underlying networking implementation. It is important to consult the documentation or specifications of the specific environment to understand its behavior in that context.