

Accept a new incoming connection.


The sock_accept_v2() function is used to accept a new incoming connection on a listening socket. It is similar to the accept function in POSIX.

When a connection is accepted, a new socket is created and returned. This new socket represents the communication channel with the client.

WASI version of sock_accept does not return an address which obviously is a bit of a problem for those that want to know who actually connected to them. i.e. the peer address and port


  ;;; Accept a new incoming connection.
  ;;; Note: This is similar to `accept` in POSIX.
  (@interface func (export "sock_accept_v2")
    ;;; The listening socket.
    (param $fd $fd)
    ;;; The desired values of the file descriptor flags.
    (param $flags $fdflags)
    ;;; New socket connection
    (result $error (expected (tuple $fd $addr_port) (error $errno)))


  • ctx: A mutable reference to the function environment.
  • sock: The file descriptor of the listening socket on which to accept a connection.
  • fd_flags: The desired values of the file descriptor flags for the new socket.
  • ro_fd: A WebAssembly pointer where the file descriptor of the new socket will be written.
  • ro_addr: A WebAssembly pointer where the address of the remote client will be written.

Return Value

The function returns a Result containing the outcome of the operation. If the operation is successful, Ok(Errno::Success) is returned, and the file descriptor of the new socket is written to the memory location pointed to by ro_fd. The address of the remote client is written to the memory location pointed to by ro_addr.


  • The sock_accept_v2() function accepts a new incoming connection on a listening socket.
  • The function blocks until a connection request is received.
  • Upon successful acceptance of a connection, a new socket is created to handle communication with the client.
  • The file descriptor flags specified by fd_flags control the behavior of the new socket.
  • The address of the remote client, including the IP address and port number, is written to the memory location pointed to by ro_addr.
  • The specific behavior of the sock_accept_v2() function may vary depending on the runtime environment and underlying networking implementation.