

Sends the entire contents of a file down a socket.


The sock_send_file() function is used to send the entire contents of a file down a socket. It reads the data from the file and transmits it over the socket. The function returns the number of bytes transmitted.


  ;;; Sends the entire contents of a file down a socket
  (@interface func (export "sock_send_file")
    (param $out_fd $fd)
    ;;; Open file that has the data to be transmitted
    (param $in_fd $fd)
    ;;; Offset into the file to start reading at
    (param $offset $filesize)
    ;;; Number of bytes to be sent
    (param $count $filesize)
    ;;; Number of bytes transmitted.
    (result $error (expected $filesize (error $errno)))


  • ctx: A mutable reference to the function environment.
  • sock: The file descriptor of the socket to send on.
  • in_fd: The file descriptor of the open file that has the data to be transmitted.
  • offset: The offset into the file to start reading at.
  • count: The number of bytes to be sent.
  • ret_sent: A pointer to store the number of bytes transmitted.

Return Value

The function returns a Result containing an Errno value. If the operation is successful, Errno::Success is returned. Otherwise, an appropriate Errno value indicating the error is returned.


  • The sock_send_file() function sends the entire contents of a file down a socket.
  • It starts reading from the specified offset within the file.
  • The count parameter specifies the number of bytes to be sent. It is decremented as data is transmitted.
  • The function enters a loop to process the data in chunks. Each chunk is read from the file and sent over the socket.
  • The function supports reading data from different types of files, including regular files, standard input, and pipes.
  • The specific behavior of the sock_send_file() function may vary depending on the runtime environment and underlying networking implementation.