

Update time metadata on a file or directory.


The path_filestat_set_times() function allows updating the time metadata (last accessed time and last modified time) for a file or directory specified by a path relative to the given directory.

On POSIX systems, a similar functionality is provided by the utimensat() function. It updates the timestamps (access time and modification time) of a file or directory with nanosecond precision.


  ;;; Note: This is similar to `utimensat` in POSIX.
  ;;; Adjust the timestamps of a file or directory.
  (@interface func (export "path_filestat_set_times")
    (param $fd $fd)
    ;;; Flags determining the method of how the path is resolved.
    (param $flags $lookupflags)
    ;;; The path of the file or directory to operate on.
    (param $path string)
    ;;; The desired values of the data access timestamp.
    (param $atim $timestamp)
    ;;; The desired values of the data modification timestamp.
    (param $mtim $timestamp)
    ;;; A bitmask indicating which timestamps to adjust.
    (param $fst_flags $fstflags)
    (result $error (expected (error $errno)))


  • ctx: A mutable reference to the function environment.
  • fd: The file descriptor representing the directory that the path is relative to.
  • flags: Flags to control how the path is understood.
  • path: A wasm pointer to a null-terminated string containing the file path.
  • path_len: The length of the path string.
  • st_atim: The timestamp that the last accessed time attribute is set to.
  • st_mtim: The timestamp that the last modified time attribute is set to.
  • fst_flags: A bitmask controlling which attributes are set.

Return Value

The function returns an Errno value indicating the success or failure of the operation. If the operation is successful, it returns Errno::Success. Otherwise, it returns an appropriate Errno value.


This function has been instrumented with debug-level logging. It will log the following information:

  • %fd: The file descriptor representing the directory.
  • path: The path string.
  • %st_atim: The last accessed time attribute value.
  • %st_mtim: The last modified time attribute value.


The path_filestat_set_times() function allows updating the time metadata (last accessed time and last modified time) for a file or directory specified by a path relative to the given directory. It checks if the specified directory has the necessary rights and updates the timestamps accordingly. On POSIX systems, a similar functionality is provided by the utimensat() function.