

Synchronize file and metadata to disk.


The fd_sync() function synchronizes the file and metadata associated with a file descriptor to disk. This ensures that any changes made to the file and its metadata are persisted and visible to other processes.


  ;;; Note: This is similar to `fsync` in POSIX.
  ;;; Synchronize the data and metadata of a file to disk.
  (@interface func (export "fd_sync")
    (param $fd $fd)
    (result $error (expected (error $errno)))


  • ctx: A mutable reference to the function environment.
  • fd: The file descriptor to sync.

Return Value

The function returns a Result indicating the success or failure of the operation. If the operation is successful, it returns Errno::Success. Otherwise, it returns an appropriate Errno value.


This function has been instrumented with debug-level logging. It will log the following information:

  • %fd: The file descriptor being synchronized.


The fd_sync() function synchronizes the file and metadata associated with the specified file descriptor (fd) to disk.

The function first retrieves the memory view and file system state from the WASI environment using the function context.

Next, it retrieves the file descriptor entry for the specified file descriptor from the file system state using the get_fd() method.

If the file descriptor does not have the FD_SYNC right, the function returns Errno::Access to indicate an access error.

The function then handles different cases based on the kind of the file descriptor's associated inode:

  • Kind::File: For file descriptors associated with regular files, the function retrieves the file handle and flushes it to ensure all pending changes are written to disk. It also updates the FileStat structure of the inode to reflect the correct current size of the file.

  • Kind::Root or Kind::Dir: For file descriptors associated with directories, the function returns Errno::Isdir to indicate that synchronization is not applicable.

  • Other kinds: For file descriptors associated with other types of inodes such as buffers, symlinks, sockets, pipes, or event notifications, the function returns Errno::Inval to indicate an invalid operation.

Finally, the function returns Errno::Success to indicate a successful operation.