

Update file descriptor offset.


The fd_seek() function updates the offset of a file descriptor. It allows you to adjust the offset by a specified number of bytes relative to a given position.


  ;;; Note: This is similar to `lseek` in POSIX.
  ;;; Move the offset of a file descriptor.
  (@interface func (export "fd_seek")
    (param $fd $fd)
    ;;; The number of bytes to move.
    (param $offset $filedelta)
    ;;; The base from which the offset is relative.
    (param $whence $whence)
    ;;; The new offset of the file descriptor, relative to the start of the file.
    (result $error (expected $filesize (error $errno)))


  • ctx: A mutable reference to the function environment.
  • fd: The file descriptor to update.
  • offset: The number of bytes to adjust the offset by.
  • whence: The position that the offset is relative to.
  • newoffset: A WebAssembly memory pointer where the new offset will be stored.

Return Value

The function returns a Result indicating the success or failure of the operation. If the operation is successful, it returns Errno::Success. Otherwise, it returns an appropriate Errno value.


This function has been instrumented with trace-level logging. It will log the following information:

  • %fd: The file descriptor being mutated.
  • %offset: The number of bytes to adjust the offset by.
  • ?whence: The position that the offset is relative to.


The fd_seek() function updates the offset of the specified file descriptor (fd) based on the given offset and whence parameters.

The function first processes any pending signals and checks for an exit request using the process_signals_and_exit() function.

Next, it retrieves the memory view, file system state, and inodes from the WASI environment using the function context.

The function retrieves the file descriptor entry for the specified file descriptor (fd) from the file system state using the get_fd() method.

If the file descriptor does not have the FD_SEEK right, the function returns Errno::Access to indicate an access error.

The function then handles the different whence cases:

  • Whence::Cur: Adjusts the offset relative to the current position. The function retrieves the file descriptor entry, and depending on whether the offset is positive or negative, it adds or subtracts the offset from the current offset value using atomic operations. The new offset is then stored in the file descriptor entry.

  • Whence::End: Adjusts the offset relative to the end of the file. The function checks the file descriptor entry's kind to ensure it represents a file. It creates an async closure that seeks to the end of the file with the specified offset. It updates the file descriptor's offset value and stores the new offset in the file descriptor entry.

  • Whence::Set: Sets the offset to an absolute value. The function retrieves the file descriptor entry and updates its offset value with the specified offset.

For all cases, the function writes the new offset value to the provided memory location (newoffset) using the WebAssembly memory view.

Finally, the function returns Errno::Success to indicate a successful operation.